Free: Be a Hero for Animals (and people, too)
Learn simple, impactful and mostly free ways to change the world for the better right from home in minutes a day

Read Val’s blog for articles about healing the world, spirituality, and animal advocacy. Includes interviews with extraordinary people doing their part to make life better for others and video posts featuring interesting and thought-provoking facts gleaned while researching my new book, One Creation Under God.

One Creation Under God
Are you concerned about how humans treat each other, our fellow creatures, and the natural world? Do you wonder how we veered away from the truth of who we are and the universal laws that govern how we are designed to live together for the well being of all?
Val's Books

Are you a dog lover with a soft spot for homeless dogs? Do you love rescue and adoption stories? Can you relate to how these precious dogs bring so much joy and healing to your life that you find yourself asking, "Who rescued who?" If so, the Rescue Me books are for you. Available in paperback and digital formats. Autographed copies available. Proceeds benefit animal shelters and rescues. Rescue Me~get a good read and do a good deed. Get your copy today. Makes a great gift for your favorite dog lovers, too.
Read moreWhat Our Readers Say
Rescue Me is a beautiful journey of truth. It…paints the image that the greatest teachers may come in the form of the simple dog, thrown away by others…a must read by everyone.
Author Val Silver and...Team Rescue contributors have compiled a spectrum of amusing, touching, rescued dog stories that demonstrate the power of the human-animal bond, the wondrous ability of animals to heal us… I heartily recommend Rescue Me.
Rescue Me Seniors is a wonderful book that helps to illustrate the fact that when rescuing a senior you give them additional life that sparks a renewal within them – they “come alive”... I always think we don’t rescue them, THEY rescue us!
Holistic MindBody Healing
Welcome Holistic MindBody Healing visitors. I apologize for the inconvenience of redirecting to this site. Coming soon to TapInfinity: Commonsense, reliable, research-based information, tips and techniques for a healthier, happier, more fulfilling life. Please feel free to visit current pages.